Safe and Sound: Security Measures for Large and Successful Events


There are many parts to successfully planning and executing a large event or gathering, like travel logistics, advertising, and scheduling. However, perhaps the most important aspect of preparing for an event of any size is security. 

Making sure that honored guests, staff, volunteers, and attendees are safe and secure throughout the entire gathering is essential. Let’s take a look at what security should accomplish and a few ways to make sure everyone is protected throughout the entire process.

Security Plan with Contingencies

The first phase of any gathering is the planning stage, which includes building a comprehensive security plan that covers the next three phases. These are the readiness stages (which include preparation, walkthroughs, and rehearsals), the event itself, and the aftermath. 

Perhaps the most essential part of the readiness stage is the security walkthrough, which should be conducted at least twice: once with an empty venue and the second with a full rehearsal (which can be simulated with security portraying various VIPs if it isn’t possible, feasible, or desired to bring in the actual honored guests). 

Before leaving every room during the empty venue walkthrough, the plan should be analyzed by asking questions similar to the following: 

  1. “Is there anything that could happen in this room that isn’t covered by the plan?” 
  2. “How can we prevent that from happening?” 
  3. “What’s the best response if it does take place?” 
  4. “Are we missing anything?”

What Should Event Security Accomplish?


The exact security needs for any large event will depend on the exact circumstances, and there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach. However, there are a few universal goals that event security should aim to achieve.

First, the presence of security should act as a deterrent. Criminals generally prefer easy targets like large gatherings, where they can blend into a crowd. Seeing security will make them think twice and can prevent an incident from taking place. 

Next, although they should be visible, they should not be disruptive. An overly long line to get in due to a slow and invasive admittance procedure will only serve to annoy your guests. Nobody wants to feel like they’re in a TSA line at an airport at an event. 

Finally, security should also be designed to protect everyone at the venue by stopping weapons and potentially dangerous people from entering, preventing situations from escalating, and helping guests feel safe at all times by knowing that security is there to intervene. There are a lot of specific security goals for major events that will depend on the setup and individual needs, but these are the big three that apply in every case.

Secure Transportation

The plan should also include secure transportation for any VIPS, special guests, and everyone else involved with the event who is traveling from out of town. They might decline transportation or logistics to their local airport, and that’s okay as it is their right, but as soon as they leave the security area at the airport, they should be safely transported to their lodgings or the venue, depending on the exact situation.

First, it allows their visitor to avoid the hassle of securing their own transportation, which they will almost undoubtedly appreciate. Second, it ensures that they arrive safely, as app-based rideshares or taxis can be very convenient in some circumstances but can also represent an unnecessary risk. Adding uncontrollable factors into the planning will also increase the chance that things can go wrong. 

Another major benefit of providing secure ground transportation is that the guests will appreciate it, which will make them more interested in returning themselves and, through word of mouth, make it easier to attract similarly high-profile guests in the future. 

External Security Firms


If the event is taking place at an established venue, they will likely have their own in-house security. However, it may be a good idea to supplement that with an outside security firm, as the venue’s personnel will often be limited in what they’re allowed to do. 

In contrast, an independent security services provider will likely be more experienced, and their employees will generally have a wider range of skills. They can also work together with the venue security, which will result in the two forces combining to be more than the sum of their parts and ensure that everything goes smoothly. 

Their experts will also be able to either look over the security plan you wrote during the first phase of the event planning or, if you’d prefer, craft one themselves. This will make sure that everything is covered and will help prevent anything from being overlooked. 

Contracting a security services firm also reduces the liability on the part of the planners. It’s a common joke that the two most important parts of corporate security are “nobody gets seriously hurt” and “nobody gets sued.” There is some truth to that, however, and partnering with a security services provider can help make sure that both of those conditions remain true after the event is over.

Executive Protection


For some events, executive protection may not be necessary, especially if it’s the type of gathering where everyone knows each other very well. However, in most cases, it’s a good idea to have bodyguards for the speaker, guest of honor, or other VIP(s). Even if they aren’t likely to be in physical danger, there are many other reasons to invest in this level of executive protection. Guests who don’t feel safe will likely not have a good time

Fire Code


Another important aspect of the safety plan is making sure that fire safety is taken into account. If it’s an indoor event, the maximum capacity of a room, as set by the local fire marshal, should be enforced at all times. Emergency exits should be checked before guests or attendees begin to arrive, and they should be checked at regular intervals during the event to make sure they don’t become blocked. 

These are just a few security measures and ideas that should be implemented at every major event. Although the specific needs will depend greatly on the event parameters like size and location, the tips and advice listed here will apply to nearly every large gathering.

 Partnering with a security services firm is the best way to ensure that everyone arrives and departs safely while still being able to enjoy and feel secure during the event itself. Their experts can help make sure that everything is planned out perfectly and that every plan has a backup, just in case. With these tips in mind, you can be sure that your next major event is a safe and fun time for everyone.

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