Practical Tips to Keep Your Holidays Merry and Secure


The holidays can be a fun and exciting time as we get the chance to see our friends and family, exchange gifts, and eat amazing food. However, it is still important to keep safety in mind even during The Most Wonderful Time of the Year. 

Let’s take a look at some of the most common crimes to be wary of around the holidays, as well as some potential solutions that will help keep you and your loved ones safe.

Package Theft


One of the biggest types of crime to watch out for during the holiday season is package theft. Porch pirates, as they are often called, will steal packages from in front of houses or apartment buildings in hopes that they’ll contain something valuable. 

According to a survey conducted in October 2023 by the US Chamber of Commerce, 26% of respondents stated that they have had at least one package stolen off of their porch in the past. 

One popular solution is to check the tracking number every morning before the last person leaves the house. If the package is to be delivered while no one is at home, all major providers (USPS, FedEx, and UPS) offer tracking numbers and the ability to set delivery instructions. 

These can include placing the package in the garage or another location where it’s less likely to be stolen or, in the case of more expensive parcels, changing from delivery to pick-up will allow you to grab the package from the depot on your way back to the house, avoiding package thieves altogether. 

If you don’t have a tracking number, the United States Postal Service’s Informed Delivery service has a dashboard that shows the day’s incoming mail and packages, which will allow access to the Delivery Instructions screen. This won’t help with FedEx, UPS, or other carriers, unfortunately. 

Unexpected "Guests"


A much less likely situation, although one that you should still watch out for, is the unexpected knock at the door. The person knocking could be asking for money or donations for “charity,” especially one with which they aren’t affiliated or may not even exist. You should verify all visitors’ credentials before giving them anything, just in case. 

It could also be something more sinister, like a burglar casing the house for a future break-in. They could be checking for a security system access panel inside the door or looking at the number of presents under the tree to determine whether or not they would be able to steal enough to make it worth their time.

Even though the odds are pretty low, residential protection is especially important around the holiday season. For this reason, it’s recommended to take a home safety training course that can help identify vulnerabilities in your home’s defenses that could make things easier for a potential burglar. 

Criminals generally prefer easy targets where they have a high probability of both making a lot of money and not getting caught. A good security camera system, especially one that’s easily visible, will make many criminals think twice before adding your home to their list.

It’s also a good idea to have a system that’s WiFi-enabled that backs up to the cloud. If someone does get an idea to take down your surveillance, it’s a good bet that they’ll have to get close enough to put it out of commission. Having an online backup will make it easier for police to find them, as the criminals can’t simply walk away with the memory card.

If there’s a knock on the door and you don’t know who it is, it’s usually a good idea not to answer. However, this isn’t always a practical solution as you may be expecting a package that you have to sign for or you may have friends or relatives who live in the area who often drop by unexpectedly. 

In this case, use caution and try not to reveal anything until the person has presented their identification and you’re certain that they are who they say they are. If a legitimate charity is asking for donations and they didn’t send a flyer in the mail beforehand, they’re probably not likely to send anyone after 6 PM. 

Unsecure Transportation


Although online holiday shopping has increased exponentially over the past few years, a lot of people still prefer to buy local, at least for some of the gifts they’ll be giving. It can add a more personal touch, especially if it’s something they mentioned seeing in a shop window three months ago that they loved, but the price was out of their budget. The look of joy on their face as they say, “You remembered!” simply can’t be beaten. 

If you’re out of town or otherwise don’t have access to a personal vehicle (or, in some cases, even if you do), secure transportation is very necessary, especially during the holidays. No one wants to carry a brand-new laptop or a similarly expensive item on public transport or in a rideshare, as the chances of it being lost or stolen are significantly higher than traveling in your own vehicle. 

Security Tips for the Holidays


Here is a short list of things to keep in mind this holiday season to make sure you have a wonderful time with your loved ones while making sure everyone is safe and secure.

  • It’s always a good idea to have a family safety plan in place in the unlikely event of an emergency during the holidays. If friends or relatives will be coming over, it’s a good idea to go over the plan with them beforehand to avoid confusion if anything happens. 
  • Always use caution when answering the door or phone during the holidays. Scammers love to target the most generous people this time of year.
  • If you work during the day or will otherwise be out of the home, it’s a good idea to use Informed Delivery, UPS My Choice, or a similar service from the courier service delivering your package to make sure parcels aren’t left unattended where thieves can take them during the day. 
  • Hiring security services to ensure secure transportation for high-value purchases may seem like overkill, but it’s much less expensive and time-consuming than calling the police or replacing stolen items. There’s no price on the value of knowing that you’re secure. 
  • Having safety training for yourself and your house is always a good idea, just in case. 
  • Always be alert and try to stick to well-lit areas while walking in public. The odds of something happening are pretty low, but it’s not worth the risk to send a text message or take a shortcut down a dark alley in an area you don’t know very well, especially at night. 

The holidays can be a fun and merry time when spent with friends and family, but as with almost everything in life, safety is the top priority. By keeping these tips in mind, you can ensure that you and your loved ones can have a wonderful time. Happy holidays!

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